
Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Czech Republic


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(1)捷克工业与贸易部,Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic,www.mpo.cz

(2)捷克外交部,Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic,www.mzv.cz

(3)捷克农业部,Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic,www.mze.cz

(4)捷克财政部,Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic,www.mfcr.cz

(5)捷克地方发展部,Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic,www.mmr.cz

(6)捷克交通部,Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic,www.mdcr.cz

(7)捷克环境部,Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic,www.mzp.cz

(8)捷克劳动和社会事务部,Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic,www.mpsv.cz

(9)捷克内务部,Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic,www.mvcr.cz

(10)捷克司法部,Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic,www.portal.justice.cz

(11)捷克文化部,Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic,www.mkcr.cz

(12)捷克国防部,Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic,www.army.cz

(13)捷克卫生部,Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic,www.mzcr.cz

(14)捷克教育、青年和体育部,Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic,www.msmt.cz

(15)捷克统计局,Czech Statistical Office,www.czso.cz

(16)捷克中央银行,Czech National Bank,www.cnb.cz



(19)捷克工业与交通协会,Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic,www.spcr.cz

(20)捷克经济商会,Czech Chamber of Commerce,www.komora.cz